0xBitcoin Gas Faucet

Faucet balance: {{faucetDisplayBalance}} 0xBTC

Get Tokens

{{expectedTokens}} 0xBTC
The faucet is too low to dispense any tokens; sorry! Check again later.
The total balance of the faucet is {{ faucet_balance.toFixed(3) }} tokens. Transactions over {{ maxGwei.toFixed(2) }} Gwei will fail.


Feeling generous? Donate 0xBitcoin here to top up the faucet's balance.

Past transactions
Time Gas Tokens
{{ ethBlockNumberToTimestamp(event.block_number) }} {{ event.gas_price.toFixed(1) }} {{ event.tokens.toFixed(3) }} donation! +{{ event.tokens.toFixed(3) }}

How does it work?

All Ethereum transactions require a certain amount of 'gas' to execute. This contract analyzes the actual gas spent on each request, and returns with a proportional amount of 0xBitcoin. This means that a request at 20 Gwei will pay out twice as many tokens as a request sent at 10 Gwei.

The ratio of 0xBitcoin to Gas is set in the contract, and the owner can adjust the ratio. Periodic adjustments are necessary due to the constantly changing prices of 0xBTC and ETH.

Where does the ETH go? Anyone using this faucet is essentially trading ETH for 0xBTC in the form of gas. These fees are not collected by this contract, they are earned by the miners of the Ethereum blockchain. Future versions of this faucet may 'burn' ETH instead.

Are there any fees? No fees are collected by the faucet; 100% of donated tokens are available for others to withdraw. The contract itself does not handle ETH.

Why not pay out more tokens? If the faucet dispensed more tokens then the price of Gas, there would be an incentive for someone to drain the faucet for profit. Some faucet designs use a different approach to prevent this, usually related to rate-limiting. These approaches have flaws and inconvenience normal users more than abusers. This faucet's goal is to be an easy way to get a small number of tokens to play with; not as a source of income.